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WoW Cataclysm Classic - Death Knight BIS Gear Guide

Jun-01-2024 PST

With the arrival of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic, the landscape of Azeroth has changed dramatically. As Deathwing's devastation reshapes the world, prepare enough WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold in advancepreparing your Death Knight with the best gear is essential to tackling the expansion's challenging content. This guide will provide you with a detailed list of the Best-in-Slot (BIS) gear for Blood, Frost, and Unholy Death Knights, focusing on pre-raid equipment to ensure you're ready for the upcoming raids: Blackwing Descent, Throne of the Four Winds, and Bastion of Twilight.


Blood Death Knights (Pre-Raid BIS)

Blood Death Knights continue to be formidable tanks in Cataclysm Classic, thanks to the stat changes and the addition of Mastery. Here is the pre-raid BIS gear you should aim for to be raid-ready.



Reinforced Bi-Optic Killshades (Crafted through Engineering, only usable by Engineers)

Alternative: Helm of Satesh (Drop from Satesh in Halls of Origination Heroic)



Carrier Wave Pendant (Drop from Blackrock Caverns Heroic)



Raz's Pauldrons (Drop from Blackrock Caverns Heroic)



Wrap of the Great Turtle (Purchased from Provisioner Whitecloud, requires Exalted with Guardians of Hyjal)



Hardened Elementium Hauberk (Crafted through Blacksmithing)

Alternative: Lord Walden's Breastplate (Drop from Lord Godfrey in Shadowfang Keep Heroic)



Alpha Bracers (Drop from Halls of Origination Heroic)



Fingers of Light (Drop from Halls of Origination Heroic)



Hardened Elementium Girdle (Crafted through Blacksmithing)

Alternative: Sand Dune Belt (Drop from Augh in Lost City of the Tol'vir Heroic)



Magma Plated Legguards (Purchased with 2,200 Valor Points)

Alternative: Greaves of Splendor (Purchased with 2,200 Justice Points)



Boots of Sullen Rock (Horde, Purchased from Grot Deathblow, requires Exalted with Dragonmaw Clan)

Alternative: Gryphon Rider's Boots (Alliance, Purchased from Craw MacGraw, requires Exalted with Wildhammer Clan)



Umbriss Band (Drop from Grim Batol Heroic)

Red Rock Band (Purchased from Blacksmith Abasi in Uldum, requires Revered with Ramkahen)



Mirror of Broken Images (Requires Exalted with Baradin's Wardens (Alliance) or Hellscream's Reach (Horde))

Lifebound Alchemist Stone (Crafted through Alchemy, usable by Alchemists)

Alternative: Leaden Despair (Drop from High Priestess Azil in The Stonecore Heroic)



Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds (Acquired through Archaeology)

Alternative: Sword of the Bottomless Pit (Drop from Ozruk in The Stonecore Heroic) or Whitefin Axe (Drop from Ozumat in Throne of the Tides Heroic)



Notched Jawbone (Crafted through Inscription)

Alternative: Stalagmite Dragon (Drop from Slabhide in The Stonecore Heroic)


Frost and Unholy Death Knights (Pre-Raid BIS)


Frost Death Knights offer strong DPS and team buffs with Improved Icy Talons, while Unholy Death Knights excel in melee DPS roles. Here’s a guide to their pre-raid BIS gear.



Reinforced Bi-Optic Killshades (Crafted through Engineering, only usable by Engineers)

Alternative: Helm of Easeful Death (Purchased with 2,200 Justice Points) or Stonemason's Helm (Drop from Vanessa VanCleef in The Deadmines Heroic)



Gift of Nadun (Purchased from Blacksmith Abasi in Uldum, requires Exalted with Ramkahen)

Alternative: Seedling Pod (Drop from Ammunae in Halls of Origination)



Raz's Pauldrons (Drop from Blackrock Caverns Heroic)

Alternative: Pauldron's of the High Requiem (Purchased with 1,650 Justice Points)



Shadow of the Past (Drop from The Deadmines Heroic)

Alternative: Eagle Ray Cloak (Drop from Commander Ulthok in Throne of the Tides Heroic)



Elementium Deathplate (Crafted through Blacksmithing)

Alternative: Lord Walden's Breastplate (Drop from Lord Godfrey in Shadowfang Keep Heroic)



Alpha Bracers (Drop from Halls of Origination Heroic)



Hematite Plate Gloves (Drop from The Stonecore Heroic)

Alternative: Gear-Marked Gauntlets (Drop from Helix Gearbreaker in The Deadmines Heroic)



Elementium Girdle of Pain (Crafted through Blacksmithing)

Alternative: Belt of the Ferocious Wolf (Purchased from Provisioner Whitecloud, requires Exalted with Guardians of Hyjal)



Magma Plated Legplates (Purchased with 2,200 Valor Points)

Alternative: Greaves of Gallantry (Purchased with 2,200 Justice Points)



Waywatcher's Boots (Purchased from Provisioner Whitecloud, requires Revered with Guardians of Hyjal)

Alternative: Greaves of Wu the Elder (Drop from General Husam in Lost City of the Tol'vir Heroic)



Gorsik's Band of Shattering (Purchased from D'lom the Collector, requires Revered with Therazane)

Alternative: Signet of Transformation (Drop from Blackrock Caverns Heroic) or Circle of Bone (Drop from Erudax in Grim Batol Heroic)



Impatience of Youth (Requires Exalted with Baradin's Wardens (Alliance) or Hellscream's Reach (Horde))

License to Slay (Purchased with 1,650 rom Rajh in Halls of Origination Heroic)


Weapon (Dual Wield)

Scimitar of the Sirocco (Acquired through Archaeology)

Alternative: Cookie's Tenderizer (Drop from Captain Cookie in The Deadmines Heroic) or Resonant Kris (Drop from Lost City of the Tol'vir Heroic)


Weapon (Two-Hand)

Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds (Acquired through Archaeology)

Alternative: Sword of the Bottomless Pit (Drop from Ozruk in The Stonecore Heroic)



Relic of Aggramar (Purchased with 700 Valor Points)

Alternative: Notched Jawbone (Crafted through Inscription)




Gearing up your Death Knight in WoW Cataclysm Classic requires careful planning and dedication. By following this BIS guide, you'll be well-equipped to face the challenges that await in the new (and altered) Azeroth. Keep an eye on updates as new phases and raids are released, and continue to refine your gear to maintain your edge in both tanking and DPS roles. Happy hunting, Death Knights!